Fasta Header Replacer V2.0
Extension of previous code 'Fasta Header Replacer.m' to process files in batch mode. Keep all/only the .fasta files inside the specified directory. %Author: Arun Prasanna %Version 2.0 of Fasta_Header_replacer.m!. %Efficient to process files in batch mode. clear ; clc ; FileList = dir ( 'D:\BRC_POSTDOC-RESEARCH\ARMILLARIA_Project\PROTEIN_FASTA' ); [ rFL , cFL ] = size ( FileList ); for i = 3 : rFL %i of 1 & 2 are . & .. respectively Org_name { i - 2 , 1 } = FileList ( i ). name ; %FileList is a structure end [ rOn , cOn ] = size ( Org_name ); for OL = 1 : rOn FileName = char ( Org_name { OL }); [ Header , Seq ] = fastaread ( FileName ); Header = Header ' ; Seq = Seq ' ; [ rH , cH ] = size ( Header ); check ( OL , 1 ) = rH ; for IL = 1 : rH ...